V at the gym, talking to ARMY! OMG he revealed what he was doing! Me, Myself, and RM ‘Entirety’ 2022


Taehyung Instagram update, bts v instagram post, RM teaser Entirety, taehyung instagram story, bts V instagram story, RM Entirety, Me Myself and RM, RM Weverse, Taehyung weverse post, BTS V Weverse, BTS Instagram update 2022

Taehyung has been working out and sharing it to ARMY! Recently, he has been taking photos in the gym and posting it on Weverse and Instagram. Taehyung has also let us take a look at his meal, which caused some people to react to it. Taehyung was quick to share the details or reason behind his meal. In addition, Taehyung also posted new photos of himself on Weverse.

Namjoon says that he misses us through a Weverse post including a selfie! Also, his photo folio is up next! Me, Myself, and RM ‘Entirety’

#taehyung #rm #bts

